Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I like to know exactly how much money is going to each category each month, but T is a little more "go with the flow" of things.  Don't get me wrong--the only debt we have is the mortgage and my student loans (which are about $11,000 for both college and grad school).

We charge almost everything we buy throughout the month on the credit card and pay it off every month (Yes, yes, I know-- we shouldn't be using a credit card in the first place, but it's just too convenient.  I don't like carrying around cash and especially hate going to the ATM.).  We should not be living paycheck to paycheck, but it seems like we end up with a lot of "wants" when we go back over the credit card statement.  I want to get out of this vicious cycle of in 2010 and track our money better, in an effort to save more of it.

We have decided on the following goals for 2010:

1)  Build up at least $4,000 in a savings account.
2)  Give each of us $35 allowance each month--no personal spending beyond that, except necessities.
3)  (After January) Spend no more than $200 per month for groceries and toiletries--and begin to bring that amount down.  I know this sounds extremely high for two people and a cat, I only figured out how much we spend a month ago and was SHOCKED!  It was more than $300 per month (and that doesn't include eating out).  Once we start reducing this, the money will go into the savings account.  Eating out is a separate fund for our "date night" each week.

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